Monday, August 21, 2006

Getting Your Kids to do Homework

Ah, yes. Homework. Most students neglect this part of school until that last moment, or don't do it at all. Is there a trick to getting your kids to get their homework done, without hurting and racking their brains every night? Rest assured, there is a way. Read the following article to find out more.

When your child does homework, to what degree is he or she comfortable, focused and relaxed? Is doing homework a battle and a struggle every night? Have you tried using tutors? Speaking to his or her teachers? Have you tried gentle pep talks? Harsh reprimands?

If you still have not found a solution, rest assured that there is one. The struggle with homework can be eased. I call the approach I use "Inner Tutoring."

Here is the gist of it: Stop discussing doing homework with your child, and istead discuss how he or she is approaching homework. Guide your child to step back and really explore the way they are approaching their studies. Ask your child questions: Are you worried what teachers or other kids will think? Do you believe you are not smart? Do you like struggling with homework, or do you truly want to end this struggle?

If their answer is yes, promise to help them find the solution.

Gently show them that if they resist homework, it turns into work. But when your child feels a sense of will and determination beneath any aversion to homework, on the other hand, a strong sense of peace will pervade the homework experience.

Use your own language of course, but the idea is to help your child see that they are the ones making homework a struggle with their attitude about it. Change that attitude, in a legitimate way, and A larger motivational current takes over, and you end up working more light-heartedly and creatively, and having little sense of work pressure.

Inner Tutoring should be done while your child is doing homework, but not when there is a lot of time pressure. You should be able to stop and start the studying many times. Try doing it for 45 minutes on a Saturday, for instance. It should be a Focused time for your child to recognize their own resistance to homework, drop their shields, and find the undercurrent of joy that will heal their relationship with homework.

"But when your child feels a sense of will and determination beneath any aversion to homework, on the other hand, a strong sense of peace will pervade the homework experience."

Be aware that at first "getting work done" is not the main focus of your time using this approach. There will be many purposeful stops and starts, as you explore emotional discovery. Let your child express his or her feelings. Hear them. You might have to Let your child be over-dramatic about the whole homework scene for a while. Expose all the limiting bleifs and feelings. Bring them into the light, so to speak. Help them see them for what they are: attmtes to control life or make themselves feel better.

When your child sees that their attuitde is in the culpript, they might stop fighitng homework so much and become more accepting of it.

The beneficial attitudes accessed during this approach to tutoring build up, and then break down resistances, healing your child's relationship with homework over a period of time.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little article on homework. It's a delicate topic, and not likely to be a favorite one. However, with a little work and the right approach, you can get your kids to do their homework better.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Get Grants for College Students

College tuition is expensive, and most students can't afford to pay it off all at once. That's why there are grants for college students. Getting them is relatively easy if you know how. Below is an article that will shed some light on the available grants.

These days there are many grants for college students. Whether you're heading off to a four-year-school or just taking a few classes at the local community college, there is surely some financial aid within your reach. The benefit of grants concern the payback. There isn't any. Grants for college students basically consist of free money in order to help you get an education. If you are starting school, check into the variety of grants that are available to you. After all, any help is better than none.

My first year of education after high school was spent at a community college. Being the uninformed child that I was, I didn't look into sources of financial aid. I did that old, my parents will cover it, thing. Not the brightest of ideas. After a few years of working away from the joys of college, I began my search for financial aid. I had heard that there were grants for college students. In no time, I had achieved my first grant. This took care of most of my school expenses. What I didn't know at the time was there are many state grants to utilize. Virtually every state has some sort of grant to offer the struggling college student. It is ridiculous to avoid this free money.

"A great place to begin your search on grants for college students, is the Internet. Applying for grants has never been more simple."

When you're off on your own and paying the bills, you need as much income as you can find. Scholarships and grants for college students are some of the best ways to take care of those bills. While student loans can be necessary as well, it is choice to receive as much aid as possible without any payback burden. When school finally finishes, and it will sooner than you think, you won't want to be in debt. Our education is certainly crucial to our success in this day and age, but you don't have to tackle the student expenses on your own.

A great place to begin your search on grants for college students, is the Internet. Applying for grants has never been more simple. You will encounter a site called FAFSA. This is the key to getting started with your financial aid requests. There are an abundance of grants for college students if you look in the right places. Many of them will apply to you. It doesn't matter if you're single, young, or already in your mid-twenties. Make sure to always search for local grants that your state may offer. This in addition to federal aid can really help your financial situation. The government has a large sum of money set aside for this, so take advantage of it.

I hope you found this article helpful. Remember, it can't hurt to at least try to find available college grants. Trust me, it will be well worth the trouble.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Getting Your Environmental Science Degree

The environment is a very important part of our lives, and it must be protected. The science of studying it must be continued and advanced. In the following article, we discuss why getting your environmental science degreee is important, and how you can achieve this.

It has often been said that the education offered in our country’s colleges and universities are a direct response to the job market and the trends therein. If this is an assumption to be taken at face value, then the future for professionals with an environmental science degree could not be much brighter than it is right now. For after the industrial and the informational age, we are slowly but steadily entering the environmental age, where the environment and its characteristics are of paramount importance. Never before have we ever paid attention to the environment. But continuous exploitation of the earths natural resources and constant generation of waste, heat and other damaging refuse has done nothing to mitigate the damage we have caused to the environment. We live in an age where knowing, understanding and adapting to the environment is no longer a choice – it is the only way ahead. And such an age demands qualified professionals, especially those with professional environmental science degrees.

Anyone aspiring to be an environmental professional would typically need to go in for a BS Environmental science degree before going for an MS or a PhD. Environment science degrees are offered in all major colleges and universities across the United States. A number of allied degrees find their place with most conventional environmental science degrees. Most corporation have for long been following safety and industrial security programs. Especially in industries like biotechnology, due to the nature of the products, there are several chances for disaster. As such, disaster management and hazardous material management are fields of study that are very much in demand by today’s high technology industry. While not sufficiently comprehensive to be offered as science degrees by themselves, such courses are more often than not clubbed with typical environmental science degrees as part of a package deal.

"Never before have we ever paid attention to the environment. But continuous exploitation of the earths natural resources and constant generation of waste, heat and other damaging refuse has done nothing to mitigate the damage we have caused to the environment."

For the environmental science degree student, it is an advantage. While pursuing a main course of study, they manage to get qualifications in a number of allied fields, making them thorough professionals, capable of entering a wide range of industries when they graduate with an environmental science degree.

In fact, as a result of the long-standing lobbying activities, the United States is home to some of the world’s largest and best funded environment groups today. Most professionals working for such groups have some sort of an environmental science degree. Jobs with government bodies, lobbying positions with parties and corporate organizations, research positions with foundations and research organizations, the environment-friendly departments of leading oil majors and even faculty positions at colleges offering environmental science degrees are all lucrative positions that professionals with an environmental science degree can hope to secure.

But an environmental science degree does not deal with environmental topics alone. Due to the very nature of their work, professionals who acquire an environmental science degree need to be equipped with allied subjects like compliance, law, criminal justice, and public communication. As such, the courses of study that ultimately lead to a environmental science degree are varied and multifarious. After all, someone with an environmental science degree is likely to be tasked with protecting our environment. And when it comes to that, we need the very best right?!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and found it to be inspiring! Now go ahead and march on to getting your degreee in environmental science today!

Some Great Education Savings Plans

Most parents (or students) dread paying the high cost tuition that most colleges and universities have now. While education is extremely important, it comes at a very high price. So it's a good idea to have an education savings plan installed so you can start saving money now. Below is a great article that dicusses some great plans for you to follow.

We live in a world where the most prepared, move up. The Job market is a crucial and competitive aspect of our society. Although we sometimes curse it and hate it due to its many flaws, we must vi to stay in it. As parents we have to consider the future of our children. Whether or not they attend college after high school has a lot to do with us. We set that example and help build their future. This is why it's always prudent to begin education savings plans. Before our babies grow up, we need to be prepared for that next step.

Education savings plans are a wonderful way to tackle that four-year University with confidence. Let's face it, if you've ever been through college, you know that it's more expensive than it should be. Luckily there are aids to help us with this financial burden. Grants and loans are available to most students at any point in their college career. You simply have to do some searching. The Internet will provide you with a number of education savings plans. There are infinite ideas when it comes to college. One of the best ways to prepare your child and yourself is through academic achievements. It is always beneficial to strive for those A's. You will notice this when you graduate. All of those Universities of your dreams will respond due to your academic prowess. They want to know that you're worth the effort.

"Let's face it, if you've ever been through college, you know that it's more expensive than it should be. Luckily there are aids to help us with this financial burden."

You can start education savings plans at any time after your child is born. This is a method that my wife and I took advantage of. Believe me, a little money added here and there will go a long way. Eighteen years can fly by fast, but think of how much money you can save. A four-year University can easily cost you 20 grand a year. Starting an education savings plan in advance is well worth the effort. This way when your child heads off to college, there isn't such a need for student loans. Grants are great because we don't have to pay them back, but student loans can really begin to add up. No one wants to graduate with a huge debt on their shoulders.

While scholarships are great achievements in beginning your college career, other education savings plans will also prove beneficial. Check online and make use of the many sites that offer information on beginning your education savings plan, today.

Well, I hope this article helped you on your quest for learning how to save money effectively for your child's education. There's a lot of financial help out there, just go look around for it.

Some Benefits of a Distance Learning Degree

You should know that distance learning degrees and taking college courses online are getting more and more popular. It's a cheap alternative to spending 30,000 plus a year at a good school. Below is a great article that discusses the benefits of a distance learning degree and why you should get one.

Distance learning degrees

It used to be that the only way to continue your education and training and get a college degree was to go to a traditional brick and mortar college or university. If you were working and raising a family, then perhaps your only choice may have been the local community college. Today, the world is at your doorstep, in your home. More and more schools are changing to meet the educational needs of a changing society.

Distance learning degrees offer the ability to learn at your convenience, where you are. Distance learning degrees can be acquired by completed courses via mail, videos and over the internet. Today, you get a college degree from certificates to an associate degree or a bachelor degree by engaging in non-traditional distance learning. Even advanced degrees – the masters and doctorates are available nontraditionally. Today, you can earn your degree and still have time for your job, your family, and your life.

Those who pursue distance learning degrees have a few characteristics in common. Many seek distance learning as a way of balancing life and still pursuing their educational goals. Those who seek a distance learning degree are self-motivated and hard working people. To be successful means not only that you start distance learning, but that you finish and receive your distance learning degree.

"Distance learning degrees offer the ability to learn at your convenience, where you are. Distance learning degrees can be acquired by completed courses via mail, videos and over the internet."

Because many distance learners are juggling many priorities- work, family and school; a successful student will be adept at managing their time. If you, as the distance learner are to receive your degree, you must rarely procrastinate. A distance learning degree comes through hard work and time spent working and studying. Although you can study at your own pace – putting the work off will only delay receiving your distance learning degree.

Distance learning involves many times reading and comprehending large amounts of written text. While a regular college degree involves reading, it also uses lectures and labs to teach the material. Many distance learning degrees are acquired by reading and understanding written material. The successful learner will be able to stay focused and comprehend college texts without one-to-one teacher-student interaction.

Distance learning degrees are given in non-traditional settings. Your world is your classroom. Those who purse a distance learning degree relinquish the social elements of traditional schools. However, many distance learners are mature adults who already have a full life and seek the flexibility of distance education. In distance education, the student will frequently use the internet – email and chat to talk with teachers or peers.

People from all walks of life are receiving their distance learning degree. Consider joining them. Online and distance education may be the perfect choice to balance your educational goals with your life.

Well, I hope you found this article to be very helpful and useful! Whatever choice you may make, good luck in your endeavors to continue your education!

Getting Your Distance Learning Degree

If you're looking for a cheap and convenient way to earn your college degree, then you're probably looking at distance learning degrees. There are many advantages to them, and they're not hard to go after. The article below discusses distance learning degrees and where you can get them.

Distance learning degrees are an easy cheap way to learn new skills, improve your credentials, and accelerate your future earning potential with a minimum investment of time and money. One can get distance learning degrees in a wide range of areas of study – accounting, business administration, computer science and programming, English, environmental technology, and criminal justice are just a small sample of the almost unlimited variety of distance learning programs available. If you You can imagine it, you can probably get a degree in it through distance learning!

Distance learning works by connecting students to their teachers and course work through the internet. Programs vary, but typically the student will be able to submit homework, ask questions, take tests, and even sit in on lectures all through a personal computer. This means that classes take much less time, and can be scheduled around your life.

Many businesses will even pay for your distance learning degree, since the knowledge you will gain will make you a more valuable asset to the company. Earning a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), for example, will give you the skills needed to advance to a management level position, increasing your earning potential while making you a more valuable asset to your company. And because of the relatively low cost and time commitment of distance learning programs, you can have plenty of time to work full time and earn a degree in your spare time. Imagine the thrill of having your education paid for by your boss so that you can earn more money and fill a more prestigious role in your company. Everybody wins – distance learning is just good business sense for anyone in a medium or large-sized corporation.

"Distance learning degrees are an easy cheap way to learn new skills, improve your credentials, and accelerate your future earning potential with a minimum investment of time and money."

Of course, thereare several downsides to distance learning. There is little or no contact with fellow classmates, or even faculty. This makes it difficult or impossible to make friends or professional contacts through a distance learning programs. Additionally, it is also often much harder to find scholarships for distance learning programs than more traditional academic programs. And for many people, it is hard to learn without the interactive environment of the classroom. Before choosing a distance learning degree program, you should ask yourself if it is compatible with your learning style, economic situation, and social and educational needs.

Before selecting a distance learning program, you should be aware of the number of scams which will try to make you pay for a meaningless certificate. Many programs are non-accredited. If you enter one of these programs, you will have to do little to no coursework for your degree, but the degree you receive will be worthless – no more valuable then if you had printed it out on your own computer. Fortunately, it is easy to see if a program has been accredited. Almost any field of study will have an accreditation board which makes lists of accredited schools available to the public. This way, you can know ahead of time that you are getting valuable educational training.

Well, did this article convince you of the ease of obtaining your distance learning degree? Do you know where to go now? I hope you enjoyed reading the article and found it very helpful!

Finding the Right Distance Education School

Taking online classes from a distance education school is appealing. You may want to get your entire college education online or get additional teaching after your years at college. Whatever the case may be, it's important to find the right distance education school for you. Read the following article to find out more.

You've heard about all the benefits that come with having a college degree, and you've finally decided to go ahead and take some online courses. The next thing you need to do is choose which distance education school out there is the right one for you. There are a lot of institutions offering Internet classes in just about any field you can imagine, so narrowing down your choices requires a bit of thought. Here are a few points to keep in mind.

First, taking classes online means that you are not bound by either time or space. In other words, you don't have to find a distance education school that in your area or one that follows a specific timetable. You can participate in Internet classes offered by any institution in the world, provided that you meet their entrance requirements. So if there's a university in Canada, Australia, or England that has a program you're interested in, you can take the classes without having to move or anything like that. Because of this unique quality associated with online learning, you are free to shop around for the best deals. If the tuition at a particular distance education school is too high for your budget, you can simply continue searching for one with lower rates. This gives you an incredible amount of control over the whole process and ensures that you'll be able to afford your degree while maintaining your current lifestyle.

A second point to keep in mind as you search for the right distance education school is that degree requirements vary -- sometimes significantly -- from place to place. For example, some online learning programs have a residency component, meaning that you have to physically visit the campus at some point during your enrollment. Other programs allow you to complete your degree without ever having to leave your home. It is critical that you familiarize yourself with the graduation requirements of the institution before you enroll so that you don't find yourself faced with a requirement that is impossible for you to meet.

"First, taking classes online means that you are not bound by either time or space. In other words, you don't have to find a distance education school that in your area or one that follows a specific timetable."

A third point to keep in mind is that not all distance education schools are accredited by a recognized agency. Accreditation is important for people who want to continue studying at the graduate level, as a majority of Master's programs won't accept credits or degrees from non-accredited institutions. In addition, some employers may not consider degrees from non-accredited distance education schools when evaluating potential job candidates. So before you spend your hard-earned money on a degree program, do yourself a favor and check out the schools accreditation status.

There's no question that earning an online degree can help further your academic or professional career; however, it's important to remember that not all distance education schools can do the trick. By conducting a bit of research before you enroll, you'll increase your chances of having a successful experience.

As you can see, there's a lot of benefits to taking classes over the internet from a distance education school. I hope you now have a better idea of which place to take it from. Good luck in continuing your education!

Finding a Good Dictionary

Looking to purchase a new dictionary set? Well, there's quite a few different ones out there, so you'll have to know what defines a quality dictionary. The article below will tell you all you need to know about buying a high quality dictionary set.

A good dictionary contains a lot more than word definitions. Definitions are important, of course, and they're the main purpose of dictionaries. But once you know what a word means, it's nice to know how it's pronounced so you can use it in conversation, not just in writing and reading.

A word's pronunciation usually comes directly after the word itself. And the pronunciation is written in symbols. Some of the symbols look like regular letters in the English alphabet. Other's do not. One looks like an upside down e, another looks like an n with an extra long and curvy right-hand side. Some symbols are letters with lines over or below them or one or two dots above them. When you first see these, they can be daunting at first. But a good dictionary, such as Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary has a pronunciation key in the lower right-hand corner of every odd-numbered page. And if that doesn't provide enough information, it contains a multi-page guide to pronunciation that discusses the finer points of pronunciation and how it has evolved over time.

"A good dictionary contains a lot more than word definitions. Definitions are important, of course, and they're the main purpose of dictionaries. But once you know what a word means, it's nice to know how it's pronounced so you can use it in conversation, not just in writing and reading."

Children's dictionaries contain lots of pictures, and many are in color. But even the collegiate dictionaries have occasional pictures that help break up the text and clarify some things that might be hard to visualize such as certain animals like an aardwolf, or architectural terms, such as cloister. Some ever contain tiny illustrations for each type of cloud. It's reassuring to know that the dictionary can always help out those of us who can't seem to remember the difference between cumulus and cirrus clouds. Can you? If not, pick up your dictionary and refresh your memory. And don't feel bad. Did you know that even some editors who have been on the job have certain words they always have to look up? The thing that sets the pros apart though is that they know when they need to look something up.

Some dictionaries have loads of useful and not so useful information in the back of the book. Style guides for punctuation, capitalization, documentation of sources, and forms of address are useful to have. So are definitions of medical and scientific symbols. But who really needs a list of all the colleges and universities in the United States that's included in some? But that's just a minor quibble. Overall, the dictionary is an amazing tool. Every family ought to have at least one.

So, I hope that clears up any ambiguity that you may have had over some dictionaries. If you follow the directions in the article, you should find yourself a good dictionary that you'll keep for many years to come.

Finding an Online Dictionary

Need to look up something, but don't have your own set of dictionaries? Well, you should try an online one. The following article gives you a list of all kinds of online dictionaries.

The online dictionary is the greatest tool or device since the electric screwdriver or the sulphur match or the application of novacaine or… well, you get the idea. With the accompaniment or support of constantly improving, ever-evolving technology, the online dictionary lends greater to facility to looking up the spelling of a word you don’t know how to spell, looking up a related term when you don’t know the actual term but need to be led to the cross-reference (by way of intuitive software/technology), looking up a specific word or phrase that belongs to a select nomenclature—or jargon. The dictionary or glossary that is specialized offers the browser hours of fascinating material. The language dictionary provides imperative translation for communicating in this our now global village. The online dictionary, thanks to creative, instructive, and progressive thinkers, can be fun, as well.

Here are some of the most useful, educational, engaging, and entertaining dictionaries on the net:


Macmillan English Dictionary (MED)

Merriam-Webster (Includes fun word-empowerment games…)

INTERACTIVE/EDUCATIONAL DICTIONARIES (and for word lovers/logophiles)

Dictionary of Difficult Words

Online Etymology Dictionary

Onelook Reverse Dictionary (Describe concept, get word)

English Vocabulary Word Directory (Latin, Greek, Hebrew prefixes/suffixes…by thematic units)


ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary Form

Dictionary of Spanish

English-Tagalog Dictionary

Hindi Electronic Dictionary

Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid

The New English-German Dictionary

Antique Collectors’ Dictionary

Architecture Glossary (at

Biographical Dictionary (limited, but interesting….)

Free Online Rhyming Dictionary

Nolo: Legal Glossary

Online Medical Dictionary (Huge database)

Online Etymology Dictionary

Online Symbolism Dictionary

Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary (Computer and Internet Technology)


Blue Rider (Dictionary, Thesaurus, and More…. Includes links for History of the English Language)

Hyperdictionary (English, computer, dream, medical dictionaries, and thesaurus.)

MSN Encarta (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Atlas, Thesaurus…)

One Look Dictionary Search (Translations, definitions, dictionaries…)


Oxford English Dictionary (OED) (Every word, variant ever uttered; history/etymology; and literary and historical examples…. The best dictionary ever, but you gotta pay—except for the word of the day offering.)


Need Custom Term Paper Help?

So most of us dreads the time at the end of the semester when we have to write our term papers. You're already stresses out, and you have a lot of work to do. You might want to consider finding some internet companies who do custom term papers. The following article explains what they are, how they help you, and where you can find them.

When you've got a thesis or essay due, there's nothing more frustrating than staring at a blank document on your computer screen as you struggle to get the words out. The fact that this essay counts for 20% or more of your final grade doesn't help ease the pressure, either. You need help with your writing, and you need it now. Sure, your school has a writing center with volunteers on staff. But it's probably close to the end of the semester, which means you've got finals to study for too. You don't have time to schedule a tutoring session and hope the work-study person knows your subject well enough to give you useful suggestions. A great alternative is to turn to the Internet for custom term paper help.

By ordering a custom term paper from the Internet, you'll have a model essay to work from. Just as it's easier to do a math problem when you see similar problems worked out in your text or in class, it's easier to write an essay when you see how another writer presents the key points in a similar essay. You'll then get plenty of fresh ideas and will be able to go back to your computer and dash off your essay in no time.

There are lots of companies out there that can give you a custom term paper model in as little as 24 hours. These companies are staffed by professional writers who have experience in every subject and can help you no matter what your essay is about. For example, if you have to write about a Shakespeare play, the company will assign an English major to help with your custom term paper. If you have to write about the French Revolution, the company will assign a writer who is well versed in history. This practice helps ensure the quick turnaround times that are promised, and also helps ensure that the custom term paper is as accurate as possible.

"These companies are staffed by professional writers who have experience in every subject and can help you no matter what your essay is about."

Before you select a company to help you with a custom term paper, you should find out the following two pieces of information. First, does the company offer original work? A lot of the websites out there sell the same essays over and over again, which means you're not actually getting a custom term paper. You're paying for help with your particular assignment, so make sure that's what you're going to receive. Second, is the company staffed by native speakers of English? A handful of these custom term paper websites are located in other countries and the writers aren't exactly fluent in English. Often, you can tell just from reading through the website whether you're dealing with native English speakers or not. It won't do you much good to order a custom term paper model if you can't make any sense of it.

The next time you have a big essay due, don't spend hours in front of your computer just hoping that it will magically write itself. Be proactive and get the help you need by ordering a custom term paper model from the Internet.

So do you have a clear idea of what to do now? Ordering custom term papers doesn't have to be wrong; remember, you can use it as a sort of model to get you ideas.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Creating a Killer Cover Letter

The cover letter of any report or paper may at first seem insignificant compared to the main text, but it is in fact very important. It's the first thing your teacher/professor sees. Below is an article about how to create a variety of cover letters, whether it be simple or more complex.

As an educator and coordinator at learning centers, I have seen my share of cover letters; and as a freelance writer who submits to publishers, enters writing competitions, and bids on writing projects every month, I have written more than my share of cover letters. While I would not imply any special expertise, I would suggest a few steps to take or things to keep in mind as you write your own covers.

Know that you have something like three seconds to make an impression on a busy reader. Be he a board member considering which students to admit or be she a CEO determining the best candidate for the position that just opened up, the reader is likely slogging through hundreds of cover letters and will need, therefore, to use a process of elimination. Avoid being tossed into the “NO” pile.

In your greeting, use the name of the person or persons doing the hiring or accepting—if you can get this information. If you can, call the company and ask to whom you should address your cover. If you are applying online, in response to an online call for workers, do your homework by researching the company and finding names in the “About Us” pages of the company’s site. If you absolutely cannot find a name, be careful to avoid the antiquated “Dear Sir,” as in this age of gender equality, you are just as likely if not more so to be writing to a woman. If you have a name, use it; that is, do not assume the first name is gender-specific and mistakenly write “Dear Mz. Thing” just because the first name is Gayle, or “Hello Mr. So-and-so” because the first name is Sam.

"Know that you have something like three seconds to make an impression on a busy reader."

Identify in the body of your cover letters why you would be good for the position/slot—NOT why or how much you want to be accepted/hired. Use this valuable space to point out important skills, experience, and abilities, with specific examples. That is, instead of saying what a positive attitude you have and what a team player you are, write how your five years as a PEACE CORPS worker points to your abilities to give optimum service to others in need. Just because you WANT the job doesn’t prove you are right for it, in other words.

Okay, so you might say, “But that information is all in my résumé/vitae!” Yes, but it is likely in the résumés/vitas of the other applicants, too. And your selling of yourself starts with the cover letters you use as encapsulated versions of your history and as a greeting or calling card, if you will, which has limited space to snag the readers’ attentions.

Be sure to spell correctly. Especially, spell the people’s names and the company names correctly. Nothing says “I will be a sub-par employee who gives little attention to detail” like the cover letters that are left un-proofed and un-revised. Use a spell-checker, yes, but also manually check or have someone objective check, for words such as homonyms (too/to/two, bear/bare) elude the spell-checker, as do contextual words…any words that are real words spelled correctly but used in the wrong context. I once had to write cover letters to the local libraries, asking for support for a pilot program for students. In the closing, I noted that we at XYZ wanted to do the breast job possible. This would have, as you can imagine, been a nightmarish mistake had I not caught it with my own eyes (after having spell-checked).

So go out and get that job or launch yourself into one of the few seats in the department at that graduate school. Be the one who stands out. Be the writer of the cover letters that makes potential employers or educators stop, laugh, say, “Wow,” or say “Yes!” rather than the one whose paperwork gets an automatic “No.”

As you can see, cover letters are very important--more than you think. The thing to remember is that no matter how complex or simple your cover letter is, it should have the same core elements to it.

How to Continue Your Education

If you're moving to a different job, or just would like to be more skilled at your job to higher promotions, then it might be a good idea to take continuing education courses. Below is an article that will help you find those courses as well as give you a general overview of what you can expect.

Do you find that you're unable to advance in your chosen profession because you don't have the necessary skills? Are you looking to change careers? Or perhaps you would like to spend your free time more productively by enriching your mind as you study an interesting subject? All of these are excellent reasons to check out the thousands of continuing education courses offered by colleges and universities across the country.

At most institutions of higher learning, continuing education courses are different from regular college courses. For one thing, formal admission to the institution is often not a requirement. Instead of having to go through the entire enrollment process that consists of an application and transcripts from all formal schools, you can usually just fill out a registration form and join the continuing education class of your choice. For another thing, these types of classes are typically not offered for credit. Instead, you and the other students in the class would work towards getting a professional certificate or simply for personal enrichment.

"Taking classes through a continuing education program is an excellent way to learn the skills you need to get ahead in your career or to explore a subject that has always interested you."

Finding the specific continuing education classes that you want to take is a relatively easy task. There are a couple of different ways you can go about doing this. The first way would be to go directly to a college or university website to examine their course offerings. This way works the best if you already have prior experience with a particular institution or if you know for sure that a particular school has the kinds of classes you're looking for. If you are unsure about either of these, then you could be setting yourself up for a long day of research in front of your computer. The second way to find continuing education courses is to run a web search with appropriate query terms. This way works the best if you have no preference as to which institution you take your courses from or if you have no idea which schools even offer the classes that you want.

Because continuing education courses are generally not offered for college credit, the accreditation status of the school is less important than if you were to enroll as a degree-seeking student. Certainly, if you are going after professional certification, then you'll want to take classes from a place that has a good reputation within your industry and that offers quality instruction. But if you're taking the classes just for personal enjoyment, then you have a lot more flexibility in terms of which school you choose to sign up with.

Taking classes through a continuing education program is an excellent way to learn the skills you need to get ahead in your career or to explore a subject that has always interested you. So begin your search today and find an online school that offers the courses you want at a price you can afford.

I hope you are now ready to make your final decision when it comes to continuing your education and taking it to the next level. Good luck with all your schooling to come!

Need Cheap Text Books?

Education is expensive, as many of you have found out. Textbooks only add to that cost. If you are looking to shave a little of your educational costs, then it's a good idea to look for cheap textbooks for your college. Below is an article that discusses where you can find cheap books for college, as well as why you are able to get them cheaper than bookstores on campus.

As a college student, you're well aware of the skyrocketing costs of attending school for four or five years. It seems that you end up paying more for each semester than you did the last, no matter how many courses you enroll in. One thing you can do in order to try to keep your out-of-pocket expenses as low as possible is shop around for cheap text books. Since you're not likely to find the best prices at any of the campus bookstores, you should take your search online. There are a lot of websites offering cheap text books these days, and that's a huge plus for students across the country.

How are websites able to offer cheap text books while campus bookstores continue to charge the highest prices possible? There are a couple of answers to this question. In the first place, a virtual store obviously has lower operating costs than a physical store. That means the virtual store can give you a much better price on the same titles and still maintain their required profit margin. It's a win-win situation for both parties. Second, a virtual store potentially has a lot more customers since they are not limited by a physical location. Your campus bookstore can only draw on the student body of your school, but a website can get hits from students at any school in the world. Higher sales volumes allow these websites to continue selling cheap text books even when regular bookstores are forced to raise prices in order to stay in business.

"The bottom line is you stand a much better chance of getting great prices by purchasing from the Internet. Since most websites offer shipping to all 50 states, you'll be able to get cheap text books delivered to your door no matter where you live."

A common concern students have about purchasing cheap text books online is whether or not they will get the right editions. After all, at least when you go to your campus bookstore, there are staff members who verify the titles against your class schedule. The short answer to this one is that it's entirely up to you to choose the right items. Your instructor will provide you with all the information you need, including the title, edition number, authors, publisher, and ISBN. Sure, it's a bit more work on your part; but it's completely manageable and the savings make it worth doing.

Another concern is whether or not you'll be able to sell the books back when you're finished with them. Most websites do indeed offer buyback services, which will net you either cash refunds or store credits, as long as the covers are intact and there isn't excessive writing or highlighting on the pages. You will have to pay for shipping, but that's to be expected.

The bottom line is you stand a much better chance of getting great prices by purchasing from the Internet. Since most websites offer shipping to all 50 states, you'll be able to get cheap text books delivered to your door no matter where you live. That means you'll no longer be at the mercy of the high prices set by your campus bookstore. Instead, you'll be free to shop around for the lowest prices offered from website operators located all over the country right from the comfort of your own dorm room. Best of all, by purchasing cheap text books online, you'll have more cash in your pockets all semester long. You just can't ask for more than that!

Well, I hope that you now have a better understanding for how get cheap text books and why it is advantageous to you. Good luck shopping around for your next semester of classes!

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